Thursday, March 17, 2011

Almost Melancholy!

Insomnia has kicked in and I can't sleep. I suddenly have the need to blog.

Actually, I don't have anything in particular to write about so I'll just go ahead with random thoughts.

I just realized my life has been changing lately and I really don't know if it's for the best. Probably, probably not. I don't know.

There's been too much confusion in my life and the only solution I have in mind is not really that feasible.

Suddenly, while I'm typing, Firefox keeps on crashing on me. It maybe a sign to stop typing; but, no, since my insomniac brain won't stop thinking of a lot of stuff I do not wish to think.

Anyways, I wonder what it would be like to turn back time. I know a lot of us thinks this but damn it's just not possible. There are times when I wish I did this and that just to realize there is no turning back. I just have to live with whatever decisions I made and man they suck, big time.

If I just made the right decisions after graduating from college my life would not suck like this. It may have been different.

Mistakes are part of our decisions and they are not to be blamed for whatever bad things are happening to us now, to me in particular. It's just frustrating sometimes when you see people who were slackers before and now who are on top of the hill while me still climbing and not even halfway there.

That's mostly what I have to write about this time of the day. I'm all out and I feel sleep is around the corner.